Now You Can Post to Multiple Twitter Accounts

There are several reasons why people have multiple Twitter accounts. Some people use one account to keep their friends up to date on events privately and automate their other account as an RSS feed.

I have two Twitter accounts that I maintain. @HeyStephanie is for personal use and @Brickfish ((Just in case you wanted to follow Brickfish, I wanted to make a quick update that I no longer maintain the Brickfish Twitter account.)) is geared towards highlighting new and exciting Brickfish campaigns.

Thanks to the Carsonified team, I no longer have to sign in to each account individually to make updates and neither do you! In four days, the Carsonified team built a web application called Matt to simplify ‘multiple account Twitter tweeting’ (say that five time fast!). And boy does it make managing multiple Twitter accounts easy.

Step 1: Simply login at Matt with your Twitter username and password and this will generate your first Twitter account.

Step 2: Next you’ll need to click on the “Click here to add a new account” link and enter the username and password of your second account.

Step 3: If you have more than two Twitter accounts and would like to add more, repeat Step 2.

Step 4: Once you’re done setting up your accounts, you’re good to go! Type in your 140 character tweet and check off the accounts that you want Matt to update for you and click on “go go go” – it’s that easy!

Have fun Twittering and don’t forget to add me as a friend if you haven’t already.

(Photo Credit:

Please note that the Matt service no longer exists. I have published a new post on how you can manage multiple Twitter accounts using CoTweet. View my most recent post, “Post to Multiple Twitter Accounts with CoTweet.”

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  • Kenneth Fach July 19, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    Twitter is awesome. I have read so many mini posts about technology and have actually learned a lot. My post is

  • HeyStephanie July 20, 2008 at 8:07 pm

    I agree Kenneth, Twitter is a great way to learn more about technology although it really depends on who you follow.

  • Will July 23, 2008 at 8:53 pm

    Out of all the twitter clients I’ve been browsing through, a lot of the same features of being able to post to multiple places at once for example.

    Nothing that I’ve seen so far does this in combination with being able to see the tweets from multiple accounts; have you come across anything like this yet?

  • HeyStephanie July 23, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    @Will: I haven’t head of anything that lets you do that. There’s a definite need for it and I bet a startup somewhere is working on that right now – if not, they should be. :]

    For the time being, I’ve used the search twitter feature to see if anyone responds to the @Brickfish tweets.

  • Jenn December 2, 2008 at 12:55 am

    I just wanted to let you know about the new service we launched on Friday – BrightKit. We have some features that are very handy for managing multiple accounts that are different from Matt.

    Currently, BrightKit has 4 major features:

    1) Manage Multiple Twitter accounts – you can add as many twitter accounts as you like.

    2) Multiple editors per BrightKit account. This was designed with Agencies and Corporations in mind. If you have several people who tweet for a single twitter account, this allows you to give them access to the twitter account without having to give out your twitter password to them all, let editors view what tweets have been sent, as well as which are scheduled (so no double-ups, great transparency) and people can log in to the same profile simultaneously from different places

    3) Analytics. Currently, we have analytics on how many times a link you’ve tweeted has been clicked. We have more analytics in the works that will be rolled out over the next couple of weeks.

    4) Prescheduled tweets.

    We’d love it if you checked out our new service and give us your feedback.

  • Jay Philips December 31, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    I signed up for BrightKit and I must say so far ‘m leaning toward SplitTweet because you can actually see the tweets from each account on the same page.


  • Stephanie Gulley December 31, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    @Jay Philips: I agree; I’m a big fan of Splitweet as well (Splitweet Is Perfect for Power Users.

    In addition to being able to see which account tweets are coming from, I’m a big fan of the ‘brand monitoring’ aspect. I would normally search Twitter for keywords but Splitweet makes it easy to do with their UI.

    Thanks for stopping by! I just followed you on Twitter.


  • Nikki April 12, 2009 at 10:14 am

    I like Matt =] Thanks.

  • Amit Desai May 23, 2009 at 4:16 am

    Have been using multiple twitter accounts for some time now and was trying to find a tool that could do it for me. I did a lot of research and then used several tools for a week and tested them for their functionality. You can analyze the detailed comparison here

    Let me know your views on the same.

  • Susan Elcox June 16, 2009 at 8:57 am

    I can’t figure out how to get multiple accounts on Twitter. Can anyone help?

    • Stephanie Garcia October 8, 2011 at 10:41 am

      Hi Susan,

      Sorry I missed this comment. You have to register for each account individually on Twitter; each will require a separate email address. You can use CoTweet or HootSuite to post to both accounts simultaneously.

  • Heystephanie June 16, 2009 at 12:56 pm

    Hi Susan,

    Once you’ve registered your accounts on Twitter, go to and follow the steps outlined above.

  • Andy Mutt June 8, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    Wow! this makes things so easier for me. Thanks for making life easier for me 🙂

    • Stephanie Garcia October 8, 2011 at 10:41 am

      Glad you found the tool useful. Since originally writing this post, Matt has parked its domain and I’ve moved on to CoTweet. What platform are you using now to post to your accounts?

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