How to Overcome Writer’s Block

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

For many bloggers, the worst part of writing is the beginning, when you’re sitting at your desk starting at a blank screen and a blinking cursor.

Writer’s block sucks. I know because I’ve been there before. It’s a frustrating feeling that can consume you and stop your creative efforts dead in their tracks.

Overcoming writer’s block is tough. So when I discovered Michael Koenigs 10×10 formula at Ignite Your Fire last Saturday, I had a breakthrough! I was so inspired that I wanted to find a quiet corner in the conference and start working on my 10×10 formula right away!

The beauty behind Koenigs’ formula is that it takes less than a day to start implementing it. It might sound too good to be true but when you see how simple the process is, you’ll be scribbling one idea after the other and waving bye to writer’s block.

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Professional Development: Rock the Agency Life

Rock the Agency Life (1)In today’s highly-competitive agency world, getting a job is the first step on the ladder to success. Climbing the agency ladder involves more than just putting in your time and waiting for your turn at a promotion. It involves a commitment to ongoing education and professional development. In recognition of this, some agencies offer education reimbursement as an employment perk.

If your agency is willing to foot the bill to make you more marketable, it’s an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass up. Taking advantage of an employer-sponsored education reimbursement is like getting a raise twice. You benefit from your conference or class, and then you benefit from being a better educated worker. In the end, you increase your value in the marketplace.

Taking advantage of an
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Unfortunately, most employees are too busy to take advantage of their education reimbursement perk. In most cases, education reimbursement is a “use it or lose it” benefit. That means, if $1500 is set aside for you to invest in professional development and you don’t take advantage of it, that $1500 doesn’t rollover to the following year.

Now if you haven’t invested your education reimbursement yet, don’t worry – there’s still time. Here are a few ideas to help advance your career…

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