Getting Started

Hey, it’s Stephanie Liu the Digital Marketing Strategist here at Hey Stephanie.

And I am super stoked to have you as part of my inner circle.

Now that you are here, here’s what you can expect…

I’ll be publishing content once a month and when it’s live, you’ll receive a note with a short description of the new article, why it will be important for you to be the first to know, and a link to read the full article. Sometimes, I might have a free digital download that I want you to get your hands on.

You can also expect emails from time to time on new social media tools I’ve tested, upcoming webinars, and maybe even a beta invite to a social media course I’m launching soon.

Sound fair?


Here’s what you need to know to get started…

STEP 1: Make sure you’re getting the goods!

Whitelist and prioritize all emails from “” and “Stephanie Liu”.

This is super important!

If your inbox is holding my updates hostage in your Spam folder, you’ll miss all the important updates on what’s happening in the social media landscape (and you will miss out on the full benefits of being a Hey Stephanie subscriber).

So please, let’s get all your ducks in a row.

  1. Follow the whitelisting instructions for your email provider on this page:
  2. If you use Gmail or any other web-based email that filters broadcasts away from your main inbox, be sure to “drag” any emails from “” or “Stephanie Liu” into your Priority inbox. (Again, I don’t want you to miss out on anything). 
  3. Create a special “Hey Stephanie” folder where you can archive my emails AFTER you’ve read them. This is important, DO NOT set up filters to automatically direct my updates into this folder, or again, you’re are likely to miss something. Simply move them manually to the folder after you’ve read them completely.

STEP 2: Let’s get social…

Take two-seconds to join me on Facebook or Twitter. Those are the two channels that I hang out on the most when I’m not sending emails. Plus, I truly want to get to know you.



INSIDER TIP: If you need to get in touch with me directly, my Facebook business page is usually the fastest.

BONUS: If you are a strategist, join my private Facebook group for Social Media Strategists. You will need to have a social media strategist related job title listed on your Facebook profile in order to be accepted to the group. We have a pretty tight-knit group so we enforce the job title requirement to weed out the spammers.

And that’s everything you need to know to get started!

Seriously, stick around…it’s gonna be good. 😉